Thank you for that Chava. I think I agree with you that it might not suit me. I think I would like to go for what I feel is right for me. Namely fruit for breakfast, salad or home-made veg, lentil and rice soup for lunch, and raw veg for dinner. Incorporated in this will be seeds, and nuts. I have managed to stay on this diet for three years, and lost several unwanted stones, and maintained my weight loss for two of those years without any cravings at all. I felt absolutely great nearly all the time, but I crashed off the diet big time and haven't managed to get back to it for the last four years. I relaxed a bit and thought after two years I could have a little chocolate. I really can't afford to eat anything like cakes, biscuits sweets etc. as it leads to binges and a failure to eat healthily. All day I fantasize about what I'm going to eat and then eat all day even though I am always so full I feel horrible. Sorry Chava for unloading this on you, but it all makes a healthy future seem beyond my reach, even though no-one puts food in my mouth but me.