18 y
ozone sauna & fiberglass outgassing
I just got my new ozone sauna cabinet [longevity]. I have used it a few times
now. The odor/outgas from the fiberglass is pretty strong. Any ideas on
how to diminish this odor? I have thought that maybe running the ozone through the
unit for long periods of time may help.
Also, I have had chemical senstivities in the past and I am wondering
if the outgassing of the fiberglass is bothering me when I am in the
unit. After about 15 minutes in the sauna I begin to feel pretty queasy.
[I am only setting it at 105 degrees at this time]. I am used to doing
pretty regular steam showers at higher temp for longer periods of time
and can do a dry sauna at high temps for an hour with no problems. I also have been
doing vaginal & rectal insufflation with no feelings similar to this. This
makes me wonder if it is the fiberglass making me feel so badly. It seems
that as the fiberglass outgasses & mixes with the ozone this may create
a negative gas. If this absorbs into my body, what are the effects??
Any thoughts or experience with this??