Sounds like an infection. I have been getting bad allergies lately and I think I have a sinus infection. I came across a good site and here is a sinus rinse:
Cup of boiled (Purified) water,
1-1/2 Tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide,
1-1/2 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar,
1-1/2 TBS Sea Salt ,
1-1/2 TBS Baking soda
Stir until dissolved. Clean out a dripper bottle, fill with solution, lean back over bed so that head is upside down, put about a dripper full in each nostril and move your face/nose around to distribute it. Then let drain and blow out your nose (not hard) It may sting but it cured this person's sinus infection. I am going to give it a try today!
There are other variations of this recipe on the site. See which one works best for you: