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Huge sinus problems. Bleeding and Postnasal Drip
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Published: 18 y

Huge sinus problems. Bleeding and Postnasal Drip

Lately I've ben suffering for a agravated sinus problem wich gave me a sore throat due to postnasal drip during the night, headaches in the forhead and pressure behind right eye and bleeding from right nostril when air is dry.
I feel pressure and pain when blowing my nose.
I used to smoke but now I quit and doctor just told me that everything will get better gave me some Antibiotic for 5 days but still no relief.
The throat condition is agravated by GERD and LPR and i also get the burning throat and mouth sensation and greenish phlegm coming from my lungs in the morning.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this problem ?

P.S. I had the left ear blocked by wax a month ago , went to the doctor and got it removed with water but ear still feel plugged all the time and Antibiotic didn't made any difference.

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