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Re: little things
boldyloxx Views: 2,254
Published: 19 y
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Re: little things

Tiny amounts of mercury in the body from silver Amalgams is enough to actually create all the symptoms you have mentioned and more-- thyroid issues, sinus issues, --even parasite issues!

Itching ears also COULD be a sign of parasites-- tiny larvea stages work their way up into the body and make themselves comfortable in the ear, nasal and sinus areas.

Using cue-tips dipped in tea trea oil, or eucalyptus oil may actually stop them dead in thier tracks if they are causing the ears to itch.

An itchy nose is also a sign of larvea stage parasites in the nasal passages.

I know, because I had these issues.

When one has mercury in the body- any amount of flour will cause yeast infections and candidas in the body. You will find your throat getting scratchy alot. That could be Throat Thrush-- which is the yeast acting up in your throat.

Yogurt or gargeling with raw applecider vinegar will help soothe it,

raw ginger cut up in tea will also greatly help.

Keep eating right and avoiding flour and refined sugars-- but do get the rest of your 4 Amalgams replaced . Make that your goal now.

I'm telling you, it is worth it, and you will see results. Naturally you can not begin chelating until ALL silver fillings are replaced.

I lived with 8 silver amalgams--which were not even large ones, and my health was affected negatively most of my life. After I got the last one out, my health really rebounded!


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