Wow! Thank you very much, lots of info I didn't know.
I just wanted to ask what's h2o2, where do I get it and how much to take so that I DON'T throw up?
Also, I AM removing amalgams, I already have 4 of them out, and next month will remove the rest. I feel worse since I started removing them. But it will get better, right?
I do drink distilled water only, but I buy it from Albertson's. Is that ok? Or do I have to get a distiller anyway? If yes - which ones are good?
I wish I could move, but we just bought a house here, my husband has a job and I will go to college for my RN degree in spring. I want to move somewhere where it's cleaner, and there are 4 seasons, but my husband doesn't want to move :( He sais everyone wants to live here, because of the weather. I want winter though, I love it. Should we maybe buy some kind of air filter into the house?
Thanks for your reply!