So self defeating
I hope you're not trying to say that because I don't totally agree with AA, that I didn't have an alcohol problem. I do distinctly remember something in the program about not judging whether others have a problem or not.
Like I said, I wasn't trying to offend anyone. And all I meant about the word "powerless" was that the word itself takes away any power you may have. If you just throw your arms up and say "I don't have any power in this situation whatsoever", then you don't. Whatever power you may have, you take away from yourself when you say that. At least that's how I feel. I know what it is to *feel* powerless. What I was saying is that the truth is that none of us are - ever. We have urges that we don't know how to control, we give in because we're depressed or scared or addicted or all of the above and then some. But people quit. And some of those people never go back. Where did their power come from? I hope you're not telling me that they aren't real alcoholics because they can quit and never drink again.
And I never said anything about being able to drink. If I drank, I would have some problems for sure. I said I don't drink. I said the nagging temptation is gone. The interest in going back to that life is gone and the only one who can decide whether I go back to that or not is me. Just as much as I have the choice to give up my power and drink, I have the choice to stay in control and not drink. And I'm not saying that it's not the struggle from hell because I know that it is. I'm just saying that while people should absolutely take responsibility, admit when they've got a problem, seek help, seek change, etc...we are never powerless. And as long as we say we're powerless, we will be. If you don't demand to exercise control over yourself and your life, then how will you ever do so? That's all I was saying.
Meanwhile, I didn't realize at first that this was an actual AA board. I saw "Alcoholics" and clicked it and began reading. I came across the post of a nice guy who wrote a post stating that this is an AA board and that there's another board for those who aren't in AA. That said, I apologize for coming to the wrong place. My mistake. Take care everyone.