Re: 10 yr old with type 1 diabetes
I am a type 1 diabetic and am currently healing. I've been able to drastically reduce my insulin intake using natural therpies. Please check my blog Healing Type 1 Diabetes by 2dreem. I have posted a website with some great articles to get you started. I also have posted a few stories of people who have gotten off insulin and I still have more I'd like to post.
You are incredibly lucky that you caught this so early. You can get him off easily if you do the right things. He doesn't need to suffer like millions of us do. Immediatly, put him on an all raw diet. That means nothing cooked, processed. Only fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds, uncooked, and unaltered. A boy named Sergei Boutenko was cured of type 1 diabetes. He caught it early, like you, and is now extremely healthy and disease free. All he did was eat nothing but raw foods. After he's on a raw diet for a while I would suggest putting him on an apple only diet for a few days to a week. You can read all about this here Also see holistic diabetes treatment at the bottom. This is where they describe the fast. Though they do recommend meat, that is entirely unnecessary and could be harmful. Just stick to a low fat raw vegan diet with minimal sweet fruits.
This should be all you need to cure him. Be aware that most new diabetics also go through something called the honeymoon phase where their pancreas starts working again and they don't need to inject insulin anymore. But they fall back into the diseased state again because they contnue to live an unhealthy lifestyle. This phase is a sign that the body tries to and can heal itself, but you have to help it along. You can change this for him. Because you caught this early most likely he will be cured very easily. Also, it has been show that when normal people are injected with insulin they develop diabetes. Insulin drugs are poison. Try to give him as little as possible. But of course, never just take him off immediately, that needs to be done gradually. But it will happen.
I would also like to mention angstrom minerals. These are perhaps the easiest minerals to assimilate. They are 100% water soluble. They will provide the extra needed minerals for you son to heal. I use mother earth minerals from But I have heard that water
oz minerals are just as good and a lot less expensive, so I would look into those first. I plan on trying those soon.
good luck!
feel free to ask anymore questions.