Re: 9 yr old diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
hulda clark says diabetes is flukes in the pancreas and pollution in the body
put the boy on dewormer and put him on mhs and cz all natural diet
an aquantance has diabetes, he lucked out with a humane lady md who put him on DIET and his condition is improving, the guy is totally into diet cures now so his md is helping him
if you meet a bad md who wants money to pay off his student loan or is greedy and you act unaware of diet the md will NOT teach you diabetes diet cures as those mds have contempt for people whom they deem too stupid to learn diet on thier own so they will just misdiagnose and mistreat to keep a person stupid and dependant.
1/3rd of all usa males live on junk food and beer as a daily diet, the bad mds would just as soon bilk, bleed churn and medically torture, experiment on and exploit and kill these junk food and beer addicted males (i have heard them call such people 'dumb animals') rather then say one word to them about diet or lift one finger to help them correct thier diet and hygiene, ie., do not Zzz with and kiss worm filled dogs etc), the mds know from past experience beer drunks and food addicts,people who sleep with non dewormed animals, and junk food lovers will just spit in thier mds faces and ignore diet advice, so the mds learned to 'never give a sucker an even break'. meaning 'never give a parasite filled, body unaware person an even break'.
same with women, if a woman is unaware of her body and diet and she gives her breasts to a man md who hates women, the man md will cut her breasts off and call it cancer treatment.
many women mds and men mds who hate unaware men, cut mens testicles and penis's off in prostate cancer cases. diet unaware people are like $100,000 dollar xmas presents to bad mds. and in my pre med classes in college, 70-80 per cent of all pre mds were bad people and in medicine for the money etc only. about 20-30 per cent of the pre mds in my pre med classes were good humane people interested in cures and healing, the rest, 70-80 per cent, just wanted a md career to make money or act out wierd body con troll and power over other issues and problems or because thier parents were mds and made them be mds.
we knew a md who as a kid used to ejaculate killing neigborhood cats and dogs as a boy, his parents sent him to a shrink who ENCULTURATED the kids blood lust into becomming a surgeon, this kid is now a top surgeon at Northwestern Hospital in chicago and he wears a prophylactic every time he cuts a patient open in surgury because cutting flesh makes him ejaculate, his head nurse knows he wears a condom during every surgury.
learn to heal yourself and spend all your free time clearing the parasites and junk out of your and your loved ones bodies.
the world is full of bad people, do not give your money, trust or health away to mds or practitioners who belong in the back room of shady car dealerships doing crooked auto loan financing. trust is NOT to be given to others lightly. trust must be earned. start by trusting yourself to learn about deworming, diet and health and take responsibility for your own and your loved ones diet hygiene and health. knowledge is power. people perish due to ignorance.
good luck