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Re: 9 yr old diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
MH 108 Views: 1,632
Published: 19 y
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Re: 9 yr old diagnosed with type 1 diabetes

A diabetes (good) MD will plain out tell the person this is a 100% created disease via the dinner table, PERIOD and that the person CAN STOP DIABETES in ONE DAY, the DAY they decide to eat to live and not live to eat.

The Hospitals are the last place on earth to go and NEVER EVER seek a MD that is associated with a hospitals, for that MD to have privilages means HE/SHE plays the death game, avoid these like the plague, because they are walking plague carries who treat people like they are nothing more than a bag of chemicals.

YEARS AGO there was a plan by the evil "societies" Ya know the places; cancer society, diabetes society, etc......................... These organizations have ONE GOAL, make more business for their supporters, aka "The Specialtist" The goal of the Diabetes MD is to install an insulin pump in the belly of every child on earth and make them BILLIONAIRS, because once on insulin they destroy your pancreas and your health for life and you become 100% dependant upon them.

Those that have read BOOK I and especially BOOK II knows what health is and why the governments since 1992 have a goal of reducing the lifespan down to age 40 world wide, thus thoughs born after 1992 may have a MAX of 40 years, which means they will have old age diseases by age 18, which is already common in the USA, the hospital doctors complain about this horror all the way to their BANKS and keep buying investment properties, cars, mansions and travle the world in luxery, THEY are not about to ROCK THE BOAT and bite the hand that FEEDS THEM.

Your child has 2 problems, he is starving to death and he is not expelling all he has eaten down the toilet. To have such problems by age 9 shows the need to examine everything the parents have done since this child was conceived and do the bets possible to reverse all they have done to him.

The REASON problems are so many is because PARENTS do not want to hear that their habits caused the health of their child, they want to seek medical aid that tells the parents that their child was attacked by some outside disease and this disease must now be combated with DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have 3 choices
1) seek medical help and do what they say, your government demands this and in some states they will forcable take your child from you and give to strangers to raise and keep on drugs until death do they part and you pay support to the state and never see your child again. Going to the hospital and getting the child's Social Security Number into the computer system has marked that child for the rest of his entire LIFE.

2) seek natural education and learn to avoid future problems and seek to everse as much damage as possible.

3) do nothing- Scientific studies have shown in some cases that people live longer when they do neither of the above. When ill enough the person must stop eating and this was the original problem in most cases and the stopping of this then allows the body to repair the damage if they have enough vitality left, if not they succomb to their dinner habit in the same manner that they succomb to drug use by the thousands every day.

I suggest the parent read the childhood disease book by Christopher and start from there. Once in the system it is not easy to get out, 99% do not want free of the system because no matter what, they want that system to RUN TO when ever they think they will need DRUGS.

Education is your only solution, no product will cure your problems, ONLY WHEN you are 100% convinced as to why your child is sick, will you then seek to correct the real problems.




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