Re: vitamin e enema diet
Hi everione,
i have been on sheldon's diet and enema and i would like to tell you my experience.i have been on this diet and enema for a month or more.But first a little bit of history:i'm 22 and at 21 i started developing signs of UC.but for 7 month the doctor i went to said i had IBS(iritable bowel sindrom)so my uc was not treated.i was bleeding..was constipated..had articulary pain..cramps..and so on...i alternated betuin going a lot to the bathroom to beeing constipated...anyway to make it short ifinaly i was admited to the hospital ..i had high fever...going...almost all day to the bathroom...alot..if not only blood...bad realy bad they told me i had severe UC theat has spred to half of my transverse colon.I was in hospital for a month and 1 week.After i got home still was not well but better...i read about vit e i tried and the diat(cuz i was starting to flare up..again..i was on cortizon..salofalk-mesalzine.)and if the first day(before starting)i was begining to bleed and started to have diharea and a few days(a week or so)..of strict diet and enema(not the best vit my country can't find "american"vit e:))i saw inprouvements i was better stool beginig to form...still i was bleeding. but got a littel better..and i kind of started eating white bread..and not so strict diet..sometims i did not take the enema..and started feeling bad again...So i decided to stick to the procedure...but i could not find natural vit e anymore in my country..except something of 100ui...expensive and not even the i used...a mixture..alpha-Tocopheryl acetate and alpha-tocopherol...but even if it was not the best it worked for me..kept me under control..and started to get beter and better.went to my doc..did a colonoscopy and the result was good my doc(i told her about the enema and she said do it if it helps!) was so happy...i started tapering down cortizon(metylprednisolone)and it works(it did not work before)and now i see no blood i have formed pain...1 2 3 trips to the bathroom..but i have strict plise keep the diet..alot of fiber in my diet..Anyway The Lord Jesus showed me this vitamin e procedure..even before i was realy diagnosed...while searching the web..and i thought it was not possible for me to do it....and He showed me again after almost 1 year..after experiencing this deasise...the pain...but i don't complain...So for me it worked(and i've tried aloe gel..probiotics..maybe it did me some good..but i still ended up in the hospital)
So now i am stiil on this procedure..i am waiting to recive the vit e from puritan...But i am well now...I talked to sheldon and he answered some of my questions..he's nice..and realy nice of him to share this.I canot say the procedure alone works,i'm a christian and i know...only God heals..but i said i trust more something He made..vitamin e..then the man made drugs....they can help....but not for long..and not withought side effects.Anyway plise give it a try if you have helped me.
and sheldon thenks:)and sorry if it's not too clear..and the spelling..