Minerals and life force energy are the key. You know it ;-)
Most of tadays frutis are very lacking in minerals althogh there are some biodynamic growed that are growing fruot the way it used to be.
For soem people a great way to remineralize is with wheatgrass grown with ocean water. I will be trying growing with sole next season. I have a feeling that it will be even better than oceanwater.
I have seen people fail on raw as well for the same reasons you have outlined. There needs to be a clarification on the terminology. Perhaps instead of just raw we should place in the mind of the seeker, the importance of the vitality of the food. Weak anmeic produce will not work. It must be highly mineralized, nontoxic, fresh and ripe produce teaming with life force energy.
The other reason it can fail for many very toxic people is that cleansing is in order to get their inner streams flowing again. Without good flow you cannot assimilate nutrients.