** --Diabetes type 1 VS type 2--Is there Really any difference?--
Hi Ya'll,
Many people have problems with Diabetes of some form!
Why may this be?
What could cause this problem?
Do you inherit this problem?
"IF" so, how did your parents get it?
Why do many more children now have this problem than what there used to be?
Could it be connected to your Diet?
Is it because you are white or black or a different color person?
Is it because you live in a small town or in a Big city or in the country side?
Is there any Hope that you may have to solve this problem, if you have it?
Why does one person get it and another does not?
Could it be connected to your Diet?
Are you making the Wrong choices in your Diet?
Are you choosing to Try to Live at MacDonalds and Wendy's or any of the other Fast food places?
Could this be part of your problem?
Do you eat any Fresh Vine Ripe Fruits and vegetables each and every day?
"IF" so, do these contain "ANY" Alkaline Minerals, or are they of Poor Quality and have Low brix readings as most of the rest of the food you may be choosing to eat?
Could this be your "MAIN" problem for you having Diabetes in the first place?
Surely it couldn't be this simple?
Could it?
Smile Tis your choice.