Hi Ya'll,
Now for Part 2 about this problem!
Diabetes is mainly a problem of your body "NOT" being able to control your Blood sugar levels!
Now, the White Coat Doctors which you have decided to call "YOUR" "GOD", when you rely upon them telling you the Truth about this problem, may only be interested in making payments on their new porsche or house on the beach or any other toy they may have or want to get!
Are they Really interested in your Health?
"IF" all the people who are supporting these "FALSE" God's, were to "STOP" believing in them and were to start thinking for themself and "STOP" supporting these Leaches of society, then you may end up with Better health and more Money in "YOUR" pocket vs these "FALSE" God's you have set up to Worship as "YOUR" God!!!!
It is entirely your choice!!!!!!!!!
So, back to the discussion about the different types of Diabetes!
Since both of them are just a problem of the body not being able to control the Blood suger levels in the body, maybe it would be important to understand a little more about this, if you think you have the Back Bone to take control of your health and do something Positive to help yourself!
But, "IF" you enjoy being Sick and Diseased with any form of Diabetes and Love to Worship these "FALSE" GOD's in White Coats,then maybe you should "STOP" reading this info????
Now, that we know that Diabetes is just a problem of improper Blood sugar control in the body and that these White coat "GOD's" have come up with different names to call the same problem when your body has gotten Sicker and the condition has just gotten Worse, so as to add more confusion to the orginal problem , which has the same Root cause, you may rest comfortable in knowing that these White Coat "GOD's" may add some more New names to the List when they may choose to confuse you more!
Back to the discussion about the diabetes!
The "ONLY" difference between type 1 and type 2 may be that one is more advanced than the other!
How could this be?
Maybe we need to consider what produces insulin in the body naturally in the first place and how this may be?
Oh! You mean the body may Naturally produce insulin and control the Blood sugar levels properly for the body?
Could this be the reason for all the people who do not have Diabetes problems?
So, what is Your problem , then, that you are having Diabetes problems?
Could it be as "SIMPLE" as your body is not functioning properly, then?
So, since the body which is Healthy may "NOT" have any problem naturally solving the Blood sugar levels, then it may be considered that a Sick and Diseased person , may be so because they are "UNHEALTHY" !
Why, are "YOU" Unhealthy?
Why, do you have Diabetes in the first place?
So, since there is some organ in the body in a Healthy person which may produce the "PROPER" amount of insulin and properly control the Blood sugar levels in the body, then is it so "ODD" to consider that "IF" this organ becomes "UNHEALTHY" that then your body may have problems with Diabetes????????????
And, "IF" this organ of the body which produces insulin, becomes Sick and Diseased enough, then maybe it may "STOP" producing insulin altogether and this may be what these White Coated "GOD's" want to call Type 1 Diebetes?
Now, "IF" this organ of the body stops working because it has become Sick and Diseased, is it so hard to Believe that "IF" you were willing to change "YOUR" ways and supply your body the needed Alkaline Minerals so that this organ of the body may become Healthy again, is it so hard to believe that then your body may again begin to Naturally Produce it's own insulin and Naturally control it's own Blood sugar Levels the way that Your True Creator (God) designed it in the begining!
Could the Real Problem be that you may be Worshiping the Wrong "GOD" ???
Smile Tis your choice.