Re:The bloody surgery will be making people vulnerable to AIDS, at least until it healed.
And circumsicion will need at least three week to heal up real good, and until then it is MORE likely to be transmitting aids VIA THE SURGICAL SITE. Do they wait that long?, or are the raring to try it out, gie it a whirl?
The bloody surgery will be making people vulnerable to AIDS, at least until it healed.
And speaking of giving it a whirl, perhaps a twirl, what about MASTERBATION keeping the surgical scars open? how does a penus ever have time to heal up?
- I am really starting to wonder about that Stephan Lewis, who said at the conferance on AIDs in montreal that circumsicion will reduce aIDS.
Crcmscion just seems to be such a radical thing to do as an adult, and so inhumane to do it to an infant.