You worry too much darling 8)
you are exactly as who you are.
you were created an eternal being from the Creator period.
the * illusional concepts of this temporary 3 dimension planet*
are here for a reason as are you .
it will all pass/
a *book * a *religion * etc are NOT god/Creator
you should NOT feel you are denying even your very soul, (God within)
to deny a *book or form of teaching*
this is a guilt trap...
focus on the Truth of loving yourself and loving god and realising that you were
created eternal spirit by eternal spirit.
the rest is just a temporal phase as you will learn and see the closer you come to
to understanding your full relationship and unity with god within
may i suggest you watch this? flash clip ?
watch *the journey flash all the way thru, then you may wish to also read
this message as well/
i think both these will help you
in your own *awakening as to realsing who you really are
as far as this subject content is concerned.