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Re: addict on a raw diet?
woodchick Views: 2,328
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 722,670

Re: addict on a raw diet?

Possible solutions... it sounds like your body may be looking for something. A lot more water in your diet may be the answer, or at least part of it. Also, if you are keeping with raw foods, don't make the mistake of keeping your diet too simple. Mix it up. Try fruits with more nutritional density, like lemon, berries, or grapefruit. Apples are pretty low on the nutritional spectrum, by comparison, just fiber, Sugar and water. I would avoid bananas for the same reason. Also try some of the more bitter herbs. Parsley, arugula, dandelion... I am a terrible Sugar junkie, but these tricks keep me honest. Also, I liked the suggestion mentioned in this thread about avocado and fats. Raw almonds may be another possibility, or try a fattier fish, like salmon or mackarel.


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