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addict on a raw diet?
seangone Views: 2,619
Published: 20 y

addict on a raw diet?

I have tried over and over the last several months of make my diet Sugar free but when ever I try I end up binging on sweets. The craving just get worse and worse until I give in, and I always do. It would seem that I am terribly addicted to sugar, and I cant get off it. Granted binging on fruit is better than on cookies, but both make my kidneys hurt and Im just tired of needing, and being addicted to sugar. I really want to get off of Sugar by going cold turkey, and eating nothing but greens and raw fish, but when ever I try, I just end up getting scared, fall off, and eat all the Sugar in sight and make myself sick. Any nutritionist would call this an eating disorder and it is! I just dont want to be addicted anymore, can anyone help me or offer advice?


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