Re: MH -- continued
I am sure once you are metal free, many things will clear up. When you read about metal and saliva and the electricity it produces is thousands times stronger than the nano amps that your brain singles operate on, you will eventually become enlightened to many wonderful things in this world.
If you only remove 1 metal filling per year, you will at least have the goal and that is what counts.
You will be surprised with many things that come from me, I left conventional when I discovered I did not want to be the normal sick slave anymore. I will suggest to you that all public education including college may not be the truth and many times opposite of the truth. I know people that were educated to be our masters and they were not taught anything like I was in public school. There are 2 types, those that "KNOW" and those that are kept from knowing and lets add a 3rd group who know how the world system was set up thousands of years ago and how the soul enters the womb and what life is all about and finally learning what Hell is and what Heaven is according to those that wrote the first stories, now to me, that is education worth learning.
Going to college is a method to earn money, but real true education comes from watching Nature, in the end, only Nature will have any meaning, money will come and pass as a way to be controlled.