Re: bravo, amen, and god bless! n/m
Asking my opinion is Ok, I can't do more than suggest. I have zero medical training and I must always say I only suggest people follow nature. I try to not seem cruel, that is why I let the medical books do the talking, they tell you the way it is.
In the winter you can always get organic raised fruits and berries that are dried unsulfered. You can sprout grass all winter. You can freeze fruits and berries, I took 1 bag of grapes out tonight and made 2 gallons of juice from them. I have enough frozen fruits/berries and vegetables to last for several years if needed.
I eat other foods because I can, I don't accumulate them, eating one meal per day and useing herbs allows me to do this. I would love to be 100% fruitarian and eventual more Breatharian, but from the past 7 generations and my late start, I doubt this will happen. Just being able to go 40 days with out a solid food is enough for me at this time.
I strongly suggest everyone wanting a child follow Dr. Christopher's golden rule, never medicate and enhance all diseases, this way, they never get sick for more than 1 day. Sickness is mucus created from undigested foods, the cure is simple, quit eating mucus forming foods, Christopher preached this his whole life, sadly he believed grains were not mucus producing and ate grains all his life and he believed the urine should be acid, these 2 things along with not knowing what it takes to be wormfree aged Dr. Christopher and he died the same age as everyone else in his time period.
You need to read enough books on what humans foods are, this is why I chose my first schooling book, it teaches food and freedom from disease for life. I have many more that teach the same thing, you read, apply and eventually Nature will teach you.
Good foods are every bit as easy to obtain as the bad foods. The UPS truck comes our way every day we want them to. Once you are on good foods, life is better and it is much cheaper than buying bad foods.
Have to go!