Re: What to feed children...
You asked and I told you what the medical books say is the truth about why we get sick and why we die. Like I said, the people who do the cooking feel exactly the way you do and that is why people find it very hard to accept and this allows the medical doctors to thrive in this world.
If you think it is heartless to suggest your foods be your medicines, then think about taking a child to an MD and allow a deadly poison of metals and animal waste to be injected into their blood stream. Think about the heavy metal vitamins that are in fortified foods that people give to their children, think about the soaps made with toxins that are on the kids clothing being absorbed into their skin and organs. Think about the toxic air in the home, just stop and think!
To suggest that foods are the only medicines needed and to stop killing kids and adults with poisons is not heartless, it is the opposite of heartless, it is common sense that allowed good medical people of the past save thousands of children from death.
Many professional medical people of the past specialized in saving babies and children that were so poisoned by their parents not knowing what to feed their babies.
This is why you don't see these type of books for sale anywhere on the market, they are not popular in any herb store, etc. No one wants to know, because knowlege means learning to do better to some and to others it means denial.
My parents are typical examples, they are very old looking and are a result of their own habits, they read one of my medical books explaining why they prematurely have destroyed their bodies and they refuse to believe one word, they acted just like your response did. They chose drugs and more drugs and continued with every dead food they can put in their mouths.
Is this right or wrong? They have their own choices and they have that right. I am not here to make you do anything, you have the right to accept what you see fit for your life.
I am here to say I believe these old MD's that saved thousands of lives were correct for me. I applied their ideas and it changed my life as they stated 100 years ago that it would. If my parents had applied these simple rules of Nature before I was born, life as I know it today would be 100% differant.
This is why it has been written over and over that out past sins against God date back 7 generations. Today the medical people are saying in 3 generations people are so toxic they are having extremely ill babies or can't even carry a baby full term and people have destoyed their bodies to the point that their future generations will not be.
Is this heartless to say? Sure it is, people want a sugar coating and take their money (tithe)to the great white coats in the big temples and ask for their blessings (drugs) for the sins against Nature.
If you don't like the way I put this, you don't want to read any of these old medical books that cured the sick, these guys are much more blunt that I. They straight out state that Mom (the cook back in those days)is the responsible one and that she wants to please her husband and cook him all the good foods that sends him and his children to the grave.
I eat what I want and when I want and that is my suggestion to all. Enjoy your foods. With education these wants and desires become better choices and change is slow to come, but changing back to Nature is the path to Longevity in my mind, not searching for some super drug that allows a person to eat their fill and live to be 100.
This is why people have me do seminars and why churches have evangelist stop by, we say what the average person is scared to say and are never popular, to be popular you have to say what a person wants to here and to these people I say go to your local professional medical trained doctor for all your health needs.
For those that want to stop habits that lead to the box, I suggest taking a walk in the woods/outdoors and asking Nature for help.
Nature is the only uncorruptable teacher and the theme of the Old Doctors of the past and something I happen to believe in. My children will know better at a younger age than I did and hopefully their children will learn at an earlier age and so on. None of us will be perfect and we never have said so. What we do should make no differance, we are not examples to be looked at. We do what we want, right or wrong and only we pay the price for our sins.
We don't pay a tithe and expect forgiveness!!!!!! Nature rewards those that obey. Those that dis-obey are punished and we all dis-obay, this is how we learn and any good father punishes when wrong is done and God is the pefect father of all. His laws are perfect and do not change regardless how many books man writes asking for tithes in exchange for forgiveness of sins against God.
Humans need only God.
As always, do not take my words as truths, if these words irritate you, then you all ready know what is right and what is wrong. Many people today do not know right from wrong.
Many blessing,