The answer to your Blood Pressure problem is WATER and its that simple although many just cannot get their heads round it. You should start taking in the proper amounts of water daily, this means if you weigh 100lbs you need 50oz of water a day. You just half your body weight in pounds but into ounces as above. In order to get properly hydrated you need to balance with Salt and this should only be done with REAL salt like Himalayan. The ratio of Real salt is 1/4 tsp (1250mg) per 1 litre of water. This information is trying and tested and comes from the legendary Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj who I now admire greatly for helping me and my mother with our health. I seriously suggest if you want more info you get his book `Your Body's Many Cries For Water' learn the simplest of health treatments other than Fasting. When it comes down to it almost everything is being caused by Subclinical dehydration just like Linus Pauling found with Subclinical Scurvy also. I saw you drunk Coffee which is a big no no indeed and you will need to take twice the amount of coffee in water to rehydrated what the coffee has removed as its a diruetic you see. Please look at Batman's work because its simply amazing and it works. Why have drugs to thin the blood when water does this correctly? You see drugs are useless when you really need to get to the root of the problem. Chronic disease sets in if you dont because what you see as high blood pressure, allergies etc is just a tip off of the body's countermeasures to try and save itself in a crisis. If this crisis continues then well expect serious problems. Address it correctly and quickly as above. You should see a difference fairly soon but by about 4 weeks or so you should see a dramatic difference. Remember you cannot hydrate a desperately dehydrated body in a matter of hours or a few days. Good luck and dont forget the all important Salt! Don't be afraid of real salt its vital for life and if balanced correctly with water it will do the opposite to what the medical cartels want you to believe. You should be able to get off those med's fairly quickly my friend following this advice. Bromelain is a most awesome Enzyme and if anything gets in the way of you taking this like what you said and Thyroxine then you must try to heal the problem or remove yourself from them drugs which you will shortly I hope!