Re: Another selfish argument
Yes. Or...the woman, if she wants to have an abortion, SHOULD ask the man if he wants to keep it. He might want to raise the child himself. (Remember half of the baby's genes are his)
Women want to have full choice for an abortion, but when they have a child they want child support. If the man can't have a say in terminating a pregnancy that THEY BOTH CREATED---NOT JUST THE WOMAN--then men shouldn't have to pay for child support after/if they break up.
I am a woman and that might sound unfair, but we, as a country, need to realize that as men and women get more rights, then men should not be held to a double standard like we women complain about.
I believe in pro-choice under circumstances that a woman couldn't really have a say in; such as rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or some other horrible tramatic experience. But the MAJORITY(95%) of abortions are performed on live, viable fetuses that will grow to a baby, then a child, then an adult.
:) AnonymousJane_01