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Re: Adrenals, Estrogen Dominance, Hormone Balancing...
christi Views: 17,356
Published: 20 y
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Re: Adrenals, Estrogen Dominance, Hormone Balancing...

Hi BUtterfly,

I am not sure if your main problem was that you were low in progesterone? Is that the only reason you were put on the meds?

How old are you? Are you going through menopause?

I have it on good autority that drinking raspberry tea a few times a day seriously helps a female's reproductive system remain balance. this may seem trivial, but many women I know who are going through menopause have been able to avoid the hormone meds just by drinking the tea.

Just a thought. I am unsure why or how the Thyroid meds work, but it doesn't sound like they are working FOR you, rather against you.

I was too estrogen dominant thanks to the Pill, and my yeast was out of control. My water retention lasted for ten days every month and I would gain at least ten ponds in water every month too. My breasts woudn't fit in my bras - they would go from D to at least DD every month. It was horrible! I took myself off the Pill and have been off for 3 months now. I feel a ton better, no more PMS symtoms (except hunger and that has always been normal) and my yeast infections are slowly but surely going away.

All the best,



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