Re: To MH
As far as
Sugar and candida go, especially in regards ot yeast infections (vaginal), I have had one for 5+ months and have made some great steps in revovery, one of them was cutting out
Sugar 100%.
When I did this, I saw a MAJOR improvement.
The night I slipped and ate two Reeses Cups and a KitKat? The next day it came back full swing!
Sugar is bad bad bad for yeast infections.
And I know that you have some secret way to cure candida that you don't want to tell on Curezone, but your posts are becoming way too general and vague. The response you just posted in no way answered her just gave a very vague soapbox stance on your opinions/findings of candida, and it didn't help me much either, someone who has been battling candida for quite a while also.
One yeast infection doesn't always mean systemic candida, but there was nothing wrong with the suggestion of cutting out sugar. It has proved to many people on this board an important factor in fighting candida.