.....Not a whole person, huh. What about Terri Shaivo? Was she a whole person? How about my grandmother who has Alzheimers? How about that kid in the car accident? How about that man with cancer? How about that baby who was born with Down Syndrome? You on the left have absolutely NO respect for any innocent life, no matter what the circumstance is....you would just assume kill anyone who doesn't meet your wacko criteria for "human." Anyone who thinks the left's oppsition to innocent life ends in the womb has a thing or two to learn.
Heck I was listening to the radio today and I heard a liberal college professor claim that the world was overpopulated and needed to be "thinned out" by 90% in order to save our planet! When asked how he proposed doing this he suggested we humans manufacture some new and easily-transmitted, fatal disease! And this guy is one of the so-called liberal "intellectuals" that teaches at a University! It seems the more intellectual you are the more pro-death you get.