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How dare we stand up for human life!!!!
redheadedcutie1 Views: 3,277
Published: 19 y

How dare we stand up for human life!!!!

How dare we speak out against murder against an unborn child.. How dare we stand up for the things we believe in! How dare we cry for the little child who is going to be sucked out of a mothers womb. Why do we even bother? Who are we to make another person be respobsible for their own actions? Why should we all care if that unborn child could make a difference? Why? Because its our God given right thats why. Pro-choice thats a joke when it comes to a living soul. What choice do you have to kill another person? I don't see you out there saying STOP child abuse.. No, your answer is well if that child was aborted then this would have never happend.. What kind of sense does that make? NONE! If your so strong about abortion then are you against the war? Why would you be? Its the killing of other people. Its the same difference. Murder is murder. We have the right to go to war right? We have the right to murder? Someone who believes in prochoice that is what they are saying. Murder is okay. So the next time you hear on the news about a child getting murdered or abused you really have no right to say anything or feel anything toward that childs family or feel for that child. Your pro-choice remember.



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