But all the "people" I know are spacially independent of other people (though some Siamese twins do share SOME of their space) and are breathing. On it's own, the zygote is not. A Jew is breathing. A negroid is breathing.
"Why don't you pick on your someone your own size? Those in favour of abortion only pick on defenseless unborn babies because they can't fight back. Shame on you!!!!!"
You sincerely think that people who believe abortion ought to be a legal option (I really don't know of anyone who is PRO-abortion . . . who goes around getting pregnant just so they can terminate it?) are only doing it to "pick on defenseless unborn babies because they can't fight back"? Come on! You know, there are MANY defenseless BORN babies who are getting picked on because they can't fight back. I don't think enough people are putting energy and time into helping them, or else there wouldn't be so many.