Re: More Relevant Definitions
Talking about the zygote is very applicable to women who were raped as they do not need to wait a month to see if they are pregnant before taking preventative measures (against the birth). Why wait and see?
The zygote is very applicable to women raped within days of expecting their period because then they would know shortly if they were pregnant or not, wouldn't they?
Science they do use the terms zygote and embryo somewhat interchangeably in the beginning. What's the difference in calling something a Day 3 zygote or a Day 2 embryo if both conditions are at the 4 cell stage of development? The people who get real meaning out of it are the lab technicians who need to know at what hour to inject what dye or do some lab procedure
(like centrifuge)in order to study it better (.maybe make something more visible in the cell at that stage..). The definition is functional for such persons.
At three weeks the embryo is about the size of the head of a pin (dressmaker's pin or stick pin) and has 100 cells and is .0006
inches long. That's tremendously smaller than even 1/16 of an
inch on the standard ruler.
The pin head sized embryo is not as advanced as the 2
inch fetus. And the 2
inch fetus is not as advanced as a person. However the distance (in development) between the fetus and person is far greater by thousands of times than the distance (in development)between the fetus and the pin head embryo (or zygote). The person has the qualities of physiological development and mental capacity or development the fetus does not have. These qualities have great value to people. Such qualties are not present in the 2" fetus which has little value no matter how much you try to infuse it with such by your endless lists of definitions or lists of its emerging cellular functions. Your move against logic serves some other purpose than singing the praises for (2 inch) fetal characteristics up to the skies.
The Robert Wolfe photo on your post of the smaller than thumb size
eymbryo/fetus probably had not been seen by those 150 physicians but that does not lead, logically, to the conclusion that it is a person. After seeing it couldn't someone conclude it was the result of a study in embryology and not a study on a person?
I have given functional reasons for the 2 inch fetus not being a person (in nearby posts). Read it.
..for those who find it useful, definitions:
emotion - strong, generalized feeling
feel - to perceive by touch handle be sensitive to experience emotionally be conscious of being