Ok, I'm not so new-here any more. But I need to commit. I keep having days where I tell myself that I will ease back into beginning again... and then I totally FAIL. AND I MEAN IN A BIG WAY!!!! So, I'm not going to ease into it - I'm just going to start. tomorrow. with y'll. I find that I am better when I post here. And I haven't managed to lose any more weight since I left. I tried the S. BEach Diet and didn't lose anything. So, anyhow, my starting point is still embarassingly HIGH. But I am excited to start losing at a pound/day again. I would love to lose 20 pds by X-mas... lets see... that's 6 weeks... so 4 pounds/week. We'll see how it goes but I know goals are important. I plan to do green juices. I need to be able to exercise and I'm out of practice with this fasting thing. Maybe I'll switch over to water if thigs are going well. At any rate, I am committing to starting tomorrow (11/14). With that, I'm off to bed.