hey ya,
i have alot of experience with fasting ive lost 120 pounds doing so and in my experiences of fasting, i would never down any other faster in here the way you did. what do you mean why are we obsessing about the scale and how much we weight. so what if we choose to weigh ourselves everyday? i mean i weigh once a week when im on a fast but who are you to tell folks how to fast if youve only been doing it for 6 days you wait until you get to week 2 . people can not help weighing them selves, and every goal is realistic. if anything encourage and stop telling folks things to do, especially things ive already told em to do like rest if you want to you can read my past posts and it seems as if you just copied and pasted . tell us something we dont know and second to that i happen to be in the entertainment industry and the way you down down young hollywood is pretty low if i may say. what my point is you have no point and your rude selfish remarks are not wanted here, and next time you say something about fasting gain experience and dont go off them 6 days iight you just started fasting and already you are the "fasting gurue" peace and hair grease