Re: i went 11 days then broke my fast!
This is only my opinion, but I was thinking maybe a juice fast is the way to go for you. It nourishes the body, while giving you energy and also a rest from the digestive processes. The weight comes off slower, but I think since you are consuming calories, the weight will stay off longer, since your body won't be missing food so much. At 18 days I got super hungry...I mean really hungry...I read that this means your body is ready to come off the fast. I stopped at 22 days. I got the same detox symptoms, but by 14 days I felt HIGH. I couldn't sit still and had a ton of energy. My skin looked so different that I had tons of people asking what I was doing. I went to the raw diet right after. It has been good. The struggle is not overeating. With the juice I think you can carry it out a little longer if you want, and it won't be as hard on the body. Plus it's alot easier to explain to friends and family "I'm eating, and I am just taking my nutrition in liquid form":)
Good Luck. I have a friend with lupus, I know it's tough, but you are doing well. Make smaller goals for yourself. Do 10 days, then another ten, then 5, then 5, that way you will reach your smaller goals easier than making a huge one and you won't be so disappointed if you make a mistake. We are only human after all.
Good Luck and above all Take Care.