Starting fast on Monday, buddies anyone?
Due to the fact that most of the people in my life would be appalled that I am starting a fast and would start lecturing me about anorexia (because they don't understand the difference)... I am looking for as much support as possible.
I will be starting the
Master-Cleanse program on Monday and my goal is to complete 10 days. If I can go longer, then great, but 10 days is my base goal.
I am 24, 179 pounds, 5'4, in Milwaukee and the reason I am doing this is because I feel like I have lost control of myself in terms of what I eat. And I feel like this fast is a way for me to say "STOP, TIME OUT, RESET!"
I need to remember that while food can be fun, it's primary purpose is fuel. And, that while I may get bored at work and looking for a distraction, eating food is not the answer.
For so many things...eating food is not the answer....
go for a walk, read a book, learn to knit, pick up is more than eatting...
and i certainly look forward to after I have fasted and feel i can choose foods that i am proud to eat, rather than ashamed to eat.
If you're interested in starting on a similar date as me, feel free to shoot me an e mail. Supporting each other is critical I believe.
Thanks ;)