Re: vegetarianism where do I start?
jesus ate meat so i dont know what being a christain has to do with it...
vegetarianism is ideal for everyone, i know many woman who god very ill being vegans and when they returned to eating meat they became well...there is so much rubbish out there about what everyone should eat its all very confusing..
i have been a veggie for 3 years but dont know if it right for me or not as i have had a bad skin complaint for a never knows, so many theories and opionions on everything to do with health its all very confusing...we are all different .... i suggest anyone wanting to become a veggie shud cut down on the meat slowly and see how you feel as emotionally it can be very taxing
mercola is a marketing man take everything he says with a pinch of salt, as a few others have said diet shudnt be the same for everything, some ppl are obessessed by wht athey eat and it leads to illness through focusing so much on oneself...
live life i say and if you have a real conviction to be a vegetarian spiritually or morally then fine but it is not always the best choice for everyone ....
ppl who are experts always tell you what to eat without being able to look at you as an individual, i have learnt in my search and studying of diet that no one knows anything really especially those who right books $$$$$$ is all they are interested in not you're health....
the thing with veggies as well they do eat all this crap like soya burgers etc, why bother you're better off eating meat than soya which most is processed crap