Re: My experience with soy.
Wow. I’m surprised you would call me a liar. After all, this forum is here to share our experiences and find help and support and give help if we have any to offer. I would not benefit in telling a lie so why would I.
Every person is created in a unique way. I cannot say that what works for me will work for you. If you have studied or researched anything at all you should know that. A lot of people do not understand why I have an intolerance for certain foods, like gluten. Just because gluten makes me sick doesn’t give me a right to think that everybody I know has a gluten intolerance.
I understand that studies have been done on soy and that it is supposedly toxic…. I’m at the point in my life where I eat what I feel good with. There are a lot of things that I can’t have and not just because a study was made that they are bad for you. My body won’t tolerate them so for my own good I avoid them. If I would stop eating everything that is bad for somebody else, I would eventually stop eating altogether. If one day I realize that soy is not so good for me, I’ll stop eating that too.
There are so many studies done all over the world, you have to chose what you believe in. I chose to believe in what my body tells me is right or wrong for me.