hopinso and I began this board for Water Fasting only. The protocol is for distilled/purified water with perhaps a little lemon or lime juice squeezed in. We follow the generally accepted Water Fasting protocol of Fuhrman and Bragg. Your advice should go on the general fasting board, not here. However, I don't have the energy or time for this. We've done it dozens of times, that is try to keep the board on task. Water only, means just that.
I'm direct, some say harsh, hopinso is more gently in her approach. I just don't have the time, so it's not really harsh, it's just brief and too the point. She and I have nearly despaired of keeping the board pure in spirit. Hopinso may take some emergenC, I don't know, but she will admit the protocol I've outlined is the original. Best to you, Mike