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The calm before the storm????

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

lifes2fast Views: 1,337
Published: 19 y

The calm before the storm????

I'm starting day 5 of my first longer-than-one-day fast. I haven't had any unpleasant side effects at all! Sleep and energy have been great. No hunger pangs at all. (see juice recipe I use here: // Have done an enema twice and am feeling fine in that department. Have lost 8 pounds! Went grocery shopping my first day, have been cooking for the DH & 3 boys, went to a jam last night where everyone else was partying--none of this bothered me!

So, I'm NOT complaining here at all, because I know a lot of people have a much harder time of it during a fast. But I'm wondering what gives? I'm a 42 year old female, and I KNOW with 25 years of smoking (quit 5 years ago), chronic alcohol abuse, years of stong hydrocortizone use for eczema (not any more), processed, chemical and hormone- laden food, exerbated by 3.5 years of Atkins high protein/high fat without the complex carbs to flush the system that I MUST be pretty toxic! On top of eczema I have rosacea on my face and breakouts on my chest. Was never overweight until I started gaining 5 pounds a year at age 35, next to impossible to lose! So currently about 35 pounds overweight. I managed to drop 25 last year spending 6 days a week at the gym and starting with the one day fast I mentioned earlier, but packed it back on very quickly when we put our house on the market last September and I got very stressed out. NOT overeating but stress burnout. By October I was sleeping 12 hours a day and still had no energy. Was diagnosed in March with extreme adrenal fatigue and related marginal low thyroid which has responded very well to glandular supplements. But though energy is better I haven't lost any weight.

Okay, long story short, this fast seems just too good to be true. I KNOW I'm toxic, so why aren't I experiencing any of the usual detox symptoms? I know from what I've read here that ups and downs are common, but are there MANIC fasting ups and downs common??? Really, really good, then really, really bad? I'm feeling SO good, I know it can't last, and am afraid I'll wind up doubled up on the bathroom floor when I hit a bad patch! Bought organic coffee for tonight's enema to try to increase toxin release and am also going to order the Oxypowder tomorrow I've read so many good things about too, for a full digestive cleanse. But I have to say I'm a bit afraid of unleashing the beast within. Any thoughts/similar experiences much appreciated.


ps, I should mention I felt fairly awful when I did the one day detox a year ago, with a 7 day prelude of getting off wheat/dairy/caffeine. But I think most of that was caffeine withdrawal, can't imagine it really got rid of a lot of toxins or no more have built up in the past year...

pps, even though I took off my spam blockers I'm not getting responses to my other threads emailed to me as I requested, so please put all comments here, I may not get them if you email me...TIA


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