Re: mitholodian girl and rosacea/candida sufferers, I would really appreciate some advice.
hey there,
i had terrible candida and horrible
Acne (i mean Freak Show acne, not Oh I Have A Spot On My Cheek Acne) and went through the standard candida diet, too. the die off reaction is quite severe, and lasts for months- my condition worsened dramatically before it improved. i also did bowel cleansing and some herbal
parasite killing (mostly just oil of oregano, olive leaf, burdock and
Black-Walnut husk) during this time. after a few grueling months i switched from the candida diet to the raw diet and saw a dramatic improvement within a week- all my candida symptoms disapeared and my
Acne calmed down. i firmly beleve that the raw diet is a huge factor in helping me clean and heal my body. it may not be a permanent lifestyle change for me, but it certainly is a valuable tool during the cleansing process. anyway... finally, i started
Liver Cleansing and after my 2nd cleanse my
Acne has improved even more so- im hoping that cleaning my liver is the last piece of the puzzle.
anyway, its been about 6-8 months altogether, so dont get discouraged. remember that once you get through this, you will have a permanent solution, rather then a temporary suppressant. its certainly worth it!