I felt really overwhelmed at first too when i came upon curezone. It looks like you're on the right track already! I would say to continue to do Liver Flushing with bowel cleansing. Doing that alone has helped me significantly for my acne. But i didn't see result until the 3 or 4 cleanse. You should get Andreas book "Key to Health and Rejuvenation" (authorhouse.com). It has health guideline to follow like eating a vegetarian diet to decrease future amount of liver stones and supplements to take. Just recently i started putting coconut oil on my face and adding lavender oil and rose oil. It's seems to help my Acne scars. I was scared that coconut would break me out but it actually antibacterial and i havent' had a breat out since starting it. Also don't stop learning and researching. What works for some might not work for you. It take a lot of patience to go thru trial and error to find the right regimen for you. Good luck and take care!