From: "leppert"
Subject: Re: [curezone] Janie's Success Story By Duncan McDowell
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 07:51:51 -0800
Duncan what a wonderful success story! The only thing I can think of at the moment is to have her take a B Complex and extra B6 for the nerves. This and 120 mg DHA per 20 lbs body weight per day has helped me with some of my nerve problems from a fall down 26 steps 14 years ago.
The other thing would be to check her C1 & C2 Vertebrae and the way her head sits on the spine. Spinal Biomechanics is something I am involved with now and seems to be helping. . I have also used NUCCA Chiropractic and that is terrific for C1 & C2 spinal problems.
Some of the specially chelated minerals from Lifezone might help. Kela® M (Muscle System) $19.60
Magnesium (200mg) and Manganese (20mg).
If she uses other types of minerals she may need to take digestive enzymes such as Betaine HCL & Pepsin.
The only other thing I've heard about recently is called a Relaxicisor. It was inspired by the Rife concept. It apparently doesn't have to be set to specific frequencies etc. as the older machine did.