i do no tknow the exacts.. bu ti definitely remember reading apost awhiel back as to why coconut oil is not vialbe for the flush/ ithink it was ok to use sesame oil or flaxseed oil tho or peanut oil... if needed as an alterantive ..but don't take my wor don that... search it out ..i use high lvls oliv eoil mysle f and the coconut oil too but i stillhad a hrad tiem gettin g down the oo/grpefruit... i used ppink grapefrui and watched the tv and jstu concentrated on what they guy was sayign and kep suckign away.. i had to stop at las t 3 sips and decided i woudl rahte rkeep down what i got in that lose it all *laugh* soem fols swish with different stuff i ahd a small glass amouthful of apple jstuice ready and immeditetly swished it aound my mouth and sipt it cback itno cup and laifd down.. so i didn't have to walk around or anyhing.
hope tha thelsp you out
Ami B.