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Syptoms getting worse with flushing
sweetheart Views: 1,326
Published: 22 y

Syptoms getting worse with flushing

Hi everybody,
I have been reading all the wonderfull info you give on this forum. This has encouraged me to begin fluhing. My first flush was unsuccessfull, but I know it is often the case. My second however brought out about a hundred of the green stones, same as the ones seen on the picture section.I was really pleased to see all of of these OUT of my body!Since I began flushing, my syptoms are getting worse.IE: my hair is dull and I am loosing it by handfulls, I am really tired and sleepy, my headhaches are coming back with revenge, feeling sick and cold inside, not sleeping well and generally feeling down and unconfortable. I have been following the Blood Type Diet for a couple of year and have been feeling sooooo much better. I had seen a doctor in England who had told me that I had a sluggish liver. Since I didnt know how to go about it I didnt do anything until I found this website. I was just wondering, Am I feeling so bad because suddenly my liver has to do an extra effort moving stone and toxins out off my body? Can I do something to help out with this ? I am already drinking lots of water everyday, I am also planning on doing a parasite cleanse as soon as I receive the stuff I ordered. I am also planing on doing another Liver Flush on Friday, hoping it will help. By the way anyone else doing a flush friday?


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