Re: re-evaluation-he's really just not that into me is he?
The 'game' - that seems to be part of the problem here. When he didn't have you his ego was probably a bit dented, so he wanted you back - and you felt great because your ego was being stroked (I don't mean that as an insult, I'm, just trying to point out the stupid messes our egos can get us into ;))
Then when he did win you back, or at least he won your interest back - his ego was being stroked, and yours has now been dented because you don't have the upper hand and you're not sure whether he really wants you. I think you have to call a halt to all the game playing, someone has to be the adult here. And I'd stop the sex until you can establish exactly what you have with each other and if that's what you both want. If you want to know for once and for all, I think you're going to have to be honest with him, even if that means appearing vulnerable, and you're going to have to tell it like it is, let him know that it's hurting you. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask him where he sees it going, and if he doesn't know or if he feels pressurised then maybe leave it for a while and give him some space to decide what he wants - and that means no sex and no being at his beck and call whenever he feels like seeing you. I understand that he's probably confused, but all the game playing won't help him to come to a decision. Confused or not though, it's not good for you to be hanging on like this not knowing where it's going, so perhaps you should try to find something to occupy you, do some things for yourself in the meantime. That doesn't mean you abandon the idea of a relationship altogether, but some distance and putting your focus elsewhere for a while might help you both to gain a little perspective.