That sounds wonderful Liza, how long have you been doing this egyptian dancing for? I think you said you were from England? I heard that callenetics and pilates was really popular, is that true? You know I have heard of all the benefits of pilates, but I really don't know much about it, is it similar to yoga? And to be perfectly honest with you, I hate this bulk. I bulked up everywhere, and its really frustrating because I make clothing accesories, and one of my pieces was an arm bracelet, around the bicep. I can't keep it on,everytime I move my arm in any direction the velcro that closes the ends pops off because the muscle naturally flexes..ugh. I've been stretching and stretching using callenetics stretches. I even doubled, tripled some off the stretching reps. I will just have to keep it up... I should have taken ballet instead of belly Thank you for the experiences though Liza :))