Hi again, Thanks Liza for the recommendations about the period pain killer, I sure know what that feels like, I have had to take tylonel every month at the same time. Except the times Ive been brave enough to stay on a steady diet of flax seed oil a week before the "cramp ups", oh and I just hate flax seed oil, the taste literally makes me heave!!ugh.I do every thing in my power to disguise that taste, you'd be surprised how much fruit juice I mix with it. Oh well we have to grow up from babies to women, dont we! as we are talking about different women's issues I also
wanted to bring up exercise. The bit about the "pelvic" area reminded
me. Now I've been looking into different exercises myself.I have used callanetics for the past 8 years, and I know it is unreal. Keeps the back in place, and that pelvic area very strong. I also started belly dancing, and let me tell you, dont attempt to take cayenne right before your bellydancing class, unless of course you want the area you call your 'tummy' to feel like you were just mixing up 100 bottles of very HOT tabasco sauce in there ! wow. I also started using some 5
lbs. weights, just some light work outs, and my breast have been going, (yikes)I was just wondering if this is normal? I like the lean look, but I also like the strength its put into my arms. I'm just wondering if any women out there has any ideas about programs that let you lift weights but still look like a woman and not start resembling a football player :((. And also aerobic workouts, I have tried some mild stuff and some pretty grueling routines as well, the grueling routines I nearly died on, so I stick with the light stuff.
But I was wondering if there were any one out there that knows of a really commendable routine, I'm always looking:)). Thanks everyone.