Hi, this is really a message for Agnes who kindly answered my last request for help with hives. Agnes says I have Candida overgrowth due to changing the pH in my intestines I imagine. I've done some reading on Candida overgrowth and was wondering if my hives might not be caused by a die off rather than an overgrowth. I had been taking homeopathic drops FNGII to get rid of Candida when I started breaking out, and only then after a few weeks did I do enemas and then two liver flushes, thinking my liver wasn't working. How do we tell the difference between Candida overgrowth and die off? I am still going to treat it as overgrowth and do all that Agnes told me to do, but am confused why I should get an overgrowth of something I was trying to eliminate with homeopathy, juicing and nutritional supplements.
I usually add one capful of apple cider vinegar to my coffee enemas to keep pH in balance, and I didn't start enemas or flushing until I'd had the hives for a few weeks already. So, I can't say that the hives were a direct result of flushing or enemas, only perhaps eating a lot of fruit vegetables and rice which seems strange to me that would give me candida overgrowth.