HS forum
Here is the URL for the forum:
Like i've witnessed on this and other forums, there are richly varied and diverse points of view. Personally, i feel one gets very good info from those who are actually listening to the CDs and using the forum as a journal for their experiences. There is a lot of good info on the forum.
I agree with the support being a very helpful part of the whole process. There is support available on the forum but the levels of understanding about the program and how it works vary widely. Plus there are a few points of view that are skeptical of HS or even negative and that can be confusing to someone who is new to the program. I find it helpful to remember the adage "take what works for you and leave the rest". There are some longtimers on the program who post periodically on the board and their input is most valuable.
I tend to agree with you that it would be better in your situation to have the support of Centerpointe staff available to you. I've had nothing but positive and benficial experiences with them.
It is very exciting to watch people grow as they work with the program. Myself included!!! :-))
take care