just wan ted to let youknow, whiel we ahve been down as i get nearer to my palnned lf i have swtiched from maintenance to
using the pads 2 days on one dya off etc.. so my liver has less to deal with and hopefully will help get better results with upcommin g flush/
since it willahve less toxins inmysystem to deal with *)
youknow i ahd this thought lol !! hav eyouever thought to amke a long thnin rectangular pad with a few tape slices on back adhesiv e tape to wrap around eahc individual toe?
to hold the ingredient s up close under each toe to drain form the head eye sinus and lungs area ?
it was jstu a thougt.. seem sliek it could easily be done ..
well anyhow hope you are doign well 8)
i love the gentle way the pads detox/ esp for me .. sicne i cna be over sensitiv eto more drastic measueres 8)
Ami Joi Benton