Re: Today
Hi Southern belle,
You know I have used almost 6 boxes I think and mine are some mornings more brown then others when they look more olive green.
I might have a pad tested again soon.
I have been taking Nature sunshines heavy metal detox for a while now and wondering if I would have less of all the toxic junk in me?
I bought a product called Instead yesterday it is for women when on their periods instead of tampons which I usually use.
Well, The box says alternative and that they have been tested NON-toxic so I figured I would try them.
I did not wear any detox foot pads last night.
I woke this morning and I must tell you I dreamed and dreamed last night. Not really good ones but ones that where unsettling. I wonder if it was caused by this new product? HUMMMM!!!!
I wish I was better at muscle testing myself.
Well, I promise I wont tell your hubby about your new craze!!!