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Re: too busy for cleanse
alan Views: 2,118
Published: 23 y
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Re: too busy for cleanse

Doing an effective flush recquires going all the way. Sure, there are minor flushes but these are not powerful enough for cleaning out a liver of all the years it has had to filter. The body isn't just something that can be fixed immediately and without's not like you can rebuild it without the invested time and effort, especially when it has undergone years of abuse, as you mentioned. The Liver Flush can be done wihthout being a beid deal, just take the oil before going to bed and sleep the night. Just make sure to remain on the left side for at least half an hour, preferably two hours after taking the olive oil. The other stuff like preparing the mixture leading up to the can just take phosphoric acid three times a day to soften the's quick fast, and easy..use 45 drops 3x a day for 3 days in 8 oz of water if you have any more questions, then ask away.


> I have a 2 yr old and a 9 month old, both busy little boys. I have a busy husband, and I am a full time student. As you can see, I have little time to take out to cleanse or flush (What's the difference?) HELP!! Is there a quick way or a less obtrusive and debilitating way to liver health after I have abused it for 33 years? PLEASE HELP!!
> Thank you, Have a nice day


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